On December 17,2021 Save Environment Initiative had event dubbed “Role of Youth in climate actions and implications for sustainable community livelihoods”. Save Environment Initiative together with the students and lectures of University of Lay Adventists of Kigali (UNILAK) and Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) collected non-biodegradable waste in Rugenge wetland,they also planted bamboo trees around Kagina river as the main activity of the day. Rugenge wetland and Kagina River are located in Kicukiro sector of Kicukiro District and connect to Gikondo, Rwintare and Nyabugogo wetlands which play a crucial role in water filtration that flows into Nyabugogo River. There are many problems caused by the solid and plastic waste dumped in wetlands where aquatic species suffer, and it is also a serious issue to water supply. Also bamboo trees were planted around Kagina river where we believe that they will reduce the potential for runoff and erosion. Josaphat Kanyeshuri, a researcher and lecturer at UNILAK emphasized on wetland management and he said that Kigali wetlands will fail to play a role in absorbing carbon dioxide if we sit with arms crossed! Kubwimana Concorde ,Representative of Save Environment Initiative argued that it requires consistent monitoring to ensure if wetlands are well protected and they will continue such activities. “Today’s activities are part of our objectives where we intend to promote environment safety and sustainability for future generations”,he added. pollution is avoided. Patrick Muhoza, in Charge of International obligations at Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), said that plastic waste dumped near the river connected to the wetland,cause many problems when it rains,he mentioned water bodies and biodiversity as the main areas to be affected by plastic wastes. “We are working with the World Bank to secure funding to rehabilitate polluted wetlands and control floods in Kigali,” he said.